Ivesley Equestrian is private property and, while we want you to relax and enjoy your time with us, we ask that competitors, spectators and their companions respect the rules of entry to our premises and are respectful and considerate to both other visitors, our livery clients and residents.
General Terms of Entry
Entry to Ivesley Equestrian property is solely at the discretion of the proprietors.
We reserve the right for us, our agents or employees to ask any person and their companions to leave at any time, with or without stating a reason, and retain any entry fees paid.
We shall not be liable for any claims in respect of damage or accident to any person, whether competitor, servant, spectator, horse, vehicle or property howsoever caused in conjunction with or arising out of any event.
Aggressive or intimidatory behaviour to any person on site will not be tolerated and person(s) acting in an unacceptable manner will be asked to leave.
Smoking is not permitted anywhere on Ivesley Equestrian property.
Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times. We reserve the right to charge a fine if a loose dog interferes with the running of any event or causes any harm or distress to the farm animals and equines on site.
Dog faeces must be picked up and disposed of in the bins provided, or removed from the site.
No visitor may enter any of the livery stables unless accompanied by a staff member.
Please park cars, lorries and trailers considerately and do not block any access roads, which may be needed at any time for emergency vehicles.
Equine droppings must be picked up and either taken away or put onto the muck heap. This includes droppings in the car park, hard standing areas, yard and arenas.
Horses tied to the outside of wagons/trailers must not be left unattended.
Litter must be either taken away or placed in the bins provided.
Damage caused to Ivesley Equestrian property must be paid for.
Theft of Ivesley Equestrian property, or the property of any of our clients or other visitors will be reported to the police and the perpetrator(s) will be banned from all future events.
Equines visiting Ivesley Equestrian must be free from contagious diseases, have up-to-date vaccinations and travel with their passport. We reserve the right to check passports and deny entry if one is not available.
Equines visiting Ivesley Equestrian and riders should be adequately insured for the activity they are partaking in, which should include public liability insurance of at least £1 million.
Horses that kick out or intact stallions must wear a red tail ribbon.
Strangles, and other contagious diseases, are constantly circulating in any given area, whether there is a publicly announced case or not. This means that all horses, at any venue you attend, should be considered to be potential carriers. As such:
Please do not attend a competition or event if there is a confirmed or suspected case of Strangles, or another contagious disease, on your yard or if your horse is showing symptoms of disease.
Do not touch horses that are not your own and do not allow your horse to touch others.
Bring your own water. Do not allow other horses to drink out of your water container.
Do not enter our livery yard buildings or touch any horses on livery at Ivesley.
Don't hand graze on the verges.
Cross Country Course
No rider under the age of 8 years old may use the Cross Country course.
Riders over the age of 8 may use the Cross Country course if accompanied by an adult.
All riders must sign-in and pay at the house before entering the Cross Country course.
All riders must wear a back protector and skull cap with a flexible peak that meet current industry standards, please refer to the British Eventing rulebook to obtain the current standards. Boots with a defined heel must be worn when using the Cross Country course.
Riders must not attempt jumps that are crossed with flags.
Riders must not enter areas that are roped off.
Any damage must be reported.
Entries can be made online or in person and must be paid for in advance.
Times will be made available at least two days before the clinic by telephone or on the website.
We will make a best effort to allocate the times requested on your entry form, but we may not be able to do so in all circumstances. In this instance we reserve the right to transfer your booking to another date or refund any entry fees at our sole discretion.
Entry fees are refundable if withdrawal is before the times are made available.
Entry fees are refundable in the event of us cancelling the event.
Entry fees are not refundable is withdrawal is after the times are made available and a substitute cannot be found.
We reserve the right to deduct an administration charge from any refund made to cover our reasonable processing costs.
Complaints about the instruction given must, in the first instance, be made to the instructor who will endeavour to resolve the issue at the time. If no satisfactory resolution can be found, the complaint must be made in writing to the proprietors who will consider each case on its merits. We reserve the right to not issue refunds if we consider the complaint without merit.
Entries can be made online or in person and must be paid for in advance.
A Veteran Horse is 16yrs old or older.
A Senior Rider is 17yrs old or older. A person 16yrs old or younger is a Junior Rider.
Times will be made available at least two days before the competition on the website. Times will not be issued by telephone.
We will make a best effort to allocate the times requested on your entry form, but we may not be able to do so in all circumstances.
Entry fees are refundable if withdrawal is before the times are made available.
Entry fees are refundable in the event of us cancelling the event.
Entry fees are not refundable is withdrawal is after the times are made available.
We reserve the right to deduct an administration charge from any refund made to cover our reasonable processing costs.
Complaints must be made in writing to the event secretary. For some events we will require a deposit to be lodged with the complaint that will be retained if the complaint is not upheld. Details of complaints procedure for each event will be detailed on that event's web page.
Ivesley Equestrian may offer prizes, prize money or rosettes to competition winners. Prize money will not be offered in lieu of a prize.
Prizes and rosettes must be collected on the day. We will not post prizes and/or rosettes to individuals after the event.
Ivesley Equestrian reserves the right to vary or withhold prizes or prize money, at our sole discretion.
In the event of a tie, prizes will be split between competitors, where possible and appropriate.
Dressage score sheets must be collected on the day. Sheets will not be posted out after the event.
Ivesley Equestrian may appoint an official photographer for an event and there may be a commercial agreement in place for them to do so. As such:
Professional photographers must ask permission before coming to take photographs at events.
We reserve the right to deny access to any professional or amateur photographer or to charge for the right to take photographs.
Photographers must wear a high visibility vest, not interfere with or distract any horse, remain off the course lines and always be aware of their surroundings.
Ivesley Equestrian does not accept any responsibility for the loss or damage to photographic equipment, injury caused to any photographer, injury, harm or distress caused by any photographer, howsoever caused.
Photographers should ensure they carry sufficient insurance to cover themselves, their property and public liability insurance.
We reserve the right to photograph competitors, participants, spectators and their horses for use in promotional material, including our website and social media outlets.